2023-03-14 (Q1.2)

Railz Sites™️ Customizations

Our no-code customers can now enhance their SMB connection journey through additional whitelabelling and flow customization options in Railz Sites™️.

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Multiple Teams Enhancements

We have made improvements to team management in the Railz Dashboard to give you better control over your team and account settings.

  • Set a default team: Enterprise customers can now set the default team to use when logging into the Railz Dashboard.
  • Set a new account owner: Ability to transfer account ownership to another member
  • Admins to delete own team members: Team admins can now remove their own team members. Previously limited to account Super Admins.

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🚨 Changed Functionality

✔️ Overall improvements and non-breaking changes

  • API endpoints & data models improvements.
  • Newly created businesses without a connection regardless of source (API, Dashboard, Railz Sites and Railz Connect) will now be available through the API and Railz Dashboard. See new businesses lifecyle for more details.