Bank Reconciliation (Accuracy Score)

The Bank Reconciliation Object

From the Bank Reconciliation endpoint, you can retrieve the accounting accuracy and descriptive statistics of a business.

️ Data Dependencies

  • Bank Reconciliation requires active banking and accounting connections for each period.
  • Bank Reconciliation will not be available if dependencies are missing or if the service provider connected does not support the data types required. See supported data types for more details.


The bank reconciliation object is part of an array of visualization reports. See Visualizations data type for more details on the report structure and its meta-data.

bankTransactionsCountintegerThe number of bank transactions inputted to the endpoint.
accountingTransactionsCountintegerThe number of accounting transactions inputted to the endpoint.
bankTransactionsAmountdecimalTotal net amount of bank transactions calculated through the sum of all debit and credit bank transaction amounts.
accountingTransactionsAmountdecimalTotal net amount of accounting transactions calculated through the sum of all debit and credit accounting transaction amounts.
bankTransactionsTotalValuedecimalTotal value of bank transactions calculated through the sum of the absolute value of all bank transaction amounts.
accountingTransactionsTotalValuedecimalTotal value of accounting transactions calculated through the sum of the absolute value of all accounting transaction amounts.
weightedPercentageErrordecimalPercentage value of reconciled transactions weighted by their transaction value against the total bank transaction value.
accuracyScoredecimalAccuracy score in percentage, where 100% is a perfectly reconciled dataset.
bankTransactionsUnreconciledCountintegerThe number of unreconciled bank transactions.
bankTransactionsUnreconciledAmountdecimalSum of the absolute amount of unreconciled bank transactions.
dailyAccuracyScoredecimalSimilar to accuracyScore but based on a daily matching view in the range of 0 to 1.
unreconciledBankTransactionsarrayAn array of unreconciled bank transactions.
reconciledBankTransactionsarrayAn array of reconciled bank transactions.

Unreconciled Bank Transactions

id stringBank transaction id.
date string
See Date
Bank transaction date.
amount decimalBank transaction amount.
accountTypestringBank transaction account type
accountIdstringBank transaction account id

Reconciled Bank Transactions

id stringBank transaction id.
date string
See Date
Bank transaction date.
amount decimalBank transaction amount.
accountTypestringBank transaction account type
accountIdstringBank transaction account id
accountingTransactionIdstringTransaction id
accountingTransactionTypestringTransaction Type