
The Customer object

From the Customers endpoint, you can retrieve a list of all customers for a specified business.

sortable, filterable
string Identifier for the customer, unique for the business in the accounting service.
sortable, filterable
stringName of the customer as recorded in the accounting service, typically the company name.
contactNamestringFull name of the primary contact of the customer.
contactFirstNamestringFirst name of the primary contact of the customer.
contactLastNamestringLast name of the primary contact of the customer.
emailAddress stringEmail of the customer.
website stringWebsite of the customer.
parentRefReference TypesReference to parent customer if this represents a sub-customer.
currency stringISO-4217 currency code of the customer's default currency.
phone stringPhone number of the customer.
billingAddress Reference TypesBilling address of the customer.
shippingAddressReference TypesShipping address of the customer.
contacts arrayAn array of Contacts information associated with the customer.
taxNumber stringCustomer's tax number.
sortable, filterable
decimalCustomer outstanding balance.
sortable, filterable
booleanSpecifies whether the customer is an individual person or a company.
sortable, filterable
stringCustomer status of the customer.
sortable, filterable
See Date
Date the record was last changed in the accounting system.

The Customer Reference Object

Data types that reference a customer, for example, invoice and invoice credit notes, use a customerRef that includes the id and name of the linked customer.


Using Currency Reference in Push

For convenience, when pushing data customerRef can be used alone with the id as a value instead of nesting it within.