Financial Fraud Risk

The Financial Fraud object

From the Fraud Risk Metrics endpoint, you can retrieve the fraud score and metrics for a business.

️ Data Dependencies

  • Fraud Risk Metrics have a start and an end date. For a given timeframe, the fraud risk metrics are dependent on the financial statements that exist up to that startDate (inclusive). Missing dependencies may result in incomplete fraud metrics.
  • Fraud Risk Metrics will not be available if dependencies are missing or if the service provider connected does not support the data types required. See supported data types for more details.
decimalBenford Law Score from 0 to 100. A score of 100 implies perfect conformity to the distribution of first digits defined by Benford's law.
decimalThe average of outlier scores for all the accounting transactions, ranging from 0 to 1. A transaction is considered an outlier if it has an individual outlier score of above 0.6. An average above 0.4 most of the times will imply a lot or big outliers in the dataset. (Optional field, conditional on Accounting Transactions having section, group and type and at least 10 transactions).
decimalThe number of outlier transactions divided by the total number of transactions. (Optional field, conditional on Accounting Transactions having section, group and type and at least 10 transactions).
outlierTransactions arrayAn array of outlier transactions. List of outlier transactions, defined as having a score greater than 0.6.
transactionKeywords arrayAn array of transaction keywords. Count of transactions with keyword ("chargeback", "owner"), grouped by transaction type. (Optional field, conditional on Accounting Transactions having section, group and type and at least 10 transactions with 3 different types).
transactionsSectionStats arrayAn array of transaction section stats. Count of transactions with Railz section account classification. (Optional field, conditional on Accounting Transactions having section, group and type and at least 10 transactions).
transactionPatterns arrayThe top 5 transaction patterns, defined as a transaction with the same amount for the same subGroup that exists in more than one month. (Optional field, conditional on Accounting Transactions having section, group and type and at least 10 transactions).
decimalRate of change for Current Ratio over the two most recent reporting periods. (Optional field, conditional on currentRatio existing in Financial Ratios).
decimalRate of change for Quick Ratio over the two most recent reporting periods. (Optional field, conditional on quickRatio existing in Financial Ratios).
decimalRate of change for Debt-to-Equity Ratio over the two most recent reporting periods. (Optional field, conditional on debtToEquityRatio existing in Financial Ratios).
decimalRate of change for Net Profit Margin over the two most recent reporting periods. (Optional field, conditional on netProfitMarginRatio existing in Financial Ratios).

Outlier Transactions

idstringAccounting transaction id.

Transaction Keywords

typestringTransaction type.
countintegerCount of unique transaction type and keyword combination.

Transaction Section Stats

sectionstringHighest level classification of an account. See Chart of Accounts.
countintegerThe number of occurrences of transactions with section account classification.
sdevdecimalStandard deviation of transaction amounts per section account classification.

Transaction Patterns

repetitionPatternstringRepetition pattern.
countintegerNumber of occurrences for the group and amount pairing.