The Payroll Transaction object
From the Payroll Transactions endpoint, you can retrieve a transactions summary for a specified business from the accounting service provider.
Field | Type | Description |
id sortable, filterable | string | Identifier for the transaction, unique to the business in the accounting service. A duplicate id is an indicator of Split Transactions |
sourceId sortable, filterable | string | Reference number for the transaction, e.g. Invoice or Bill Number. |
postedDate sortable, filterable | string See Date | Date on which the transaction was posted to the accounting service, and had an impact on the general ledger. This may be different from the creation date. |
entityRef sortable, filterable | Reference Types | Reference to the vendor or customer associated with the transaction. |
type sortable, filterable | string | The transaction type. Valid values are:expense , invoice , payment , journalEntry , bill , vendorCreditNote , creditNote , billPayment , transfer , deposit , refund , estimate , inventoryAdjustment , purchaseOrder , taxPayment , taxAdjustment , taxRefund , taxReversal , other , payroll , unknown |
isPosting sortable, filterable | boolean | Specifies whether a transaction is a posting transaction or not. *Non-posting transactions are saved, but the transactions are not reflected on report totals. Also, they don't affect the customer's/vendor's balance, or the accounts receivable/payable balance. |
isReconciled sortable, filterable | boolean | Specifies whether a transaction has been reconciled in the accounting service or not. |
accountRef sortable, filterable | Reference Types | Reference to the account to which the transaction is linked to. |
section sortable, filterable | string | Railz normalized account classification. See account normalization for more details. |
subSection sortable, filterable | string | Railz normalized account classification. See account normalization for more details. |
group sortable, filterable | string | Railz normalized account classification. See account normalization for more details. |
subGroup sortable, filterable | string | Railz normalized account classification. See account normalization for more details. |
currency sortable, filterable | string | ISO-4217 currency code of the transaction. |
currrencyRate | decimal | Rate to convert the total amount of the transaction into the base currency for the business at the time of the transaction. |
isSplitTransaction sortable, filterable | boolean | Indicates if a transaction is a split transaction/expense or line item transaction related to a parent transaction. |
parentTransactionId sortable, filterable | string | Reference to the parent transaction id if this represents a split transaction. |
subTotal sortable, filterable | decimal | Amount of the transaction, inclusive of discounts but exclusive of tax. |
taxAmount sortable, filterable | decimal | Amount of tax for the transaction. |
totalAmount sortable, filterable | decimal | Total amount of the transaction, inclusive of tax. |
memo | string | Any additional information or business notes about the transaction. |
trackingCategoryRefs | Reference Types | Reference to the tracking categories associated with this transaction, e.g. classes or departments. |
sourceModifiedDate sortable, filterable | string See Date | The date on which this record was last modified in the accounting service. |