Chart of Accounts

The Account Object

Accounts are the categories a business uses to record and classify accounting transactions. From the Accounts endpoint, you can retrieve a list of all accounts for a specified business.


Account Normalization

Railz normalizes all chart of accounts using 4 subclassifications: section, subSection, group and subGroup. See account normalization for more details and a list of all classifications.

idstringIdentifier for the account, unique for the business in the accounting service.
nominalCode stringThe nominal code of the account used to classify accounts by department or account type.
sortable, filterable
stringName of the account.
description stringDescription of the account.
sortable, filterable
stringRailz normalized account classification.
See account normalization for more details.
sortable, filterable
stringRailz normalized account classification.
See account normalization for more details.
sortable, filterable
stringRailz normalized account classification.
See account normalization for more details.
sortable, filterable
stringRailz normalized account classification.
See account normalization for more details.
sortable, filterable
stringThe classification of an account in the accounting service, e.g. Asset.
sortable, filterable
stringThe hierarchial level of the account in the Accounts list. The highest level accounts are level 1, the lowest is n. This is an example showing account hierarchy:

Assets - Level 1
Current Assets - Level 2
Bank Accounts - Level 3
National Bank Account 1 - Level 4
sortable, filterable
stringThe fully qualified name prepends the topmost parent, followed by each subaccount separated by colons and takes the form of Parent:Account1:SubAccount1:SubAccount2.
currencyRef Reference TypesCurrency of the account.
sortable, filterable
decimal The running balance of all credits and debits applied to the account.
sortable, filterable
stringType of an account in the accounting service, e.g. Fixed Asset.
sortable, filterable
stringSubtype of an account in the accounting service, e.g. Fixed Asset.
sortable, filterable
boolean Specifies whether the account is a bank account or not.
sortable, filterable
booleanSpecifies whether the account is a sub account or not.
sortable, filterable
booleanSpecifies whether the account is an active account or not.
sortable, filterable
booleanSpecifies whether direct posting is allowed into this account.
parentRefReference TypesReference to parent account if this represents a subaccount.
taxRateRefReference TypesReference to the default tax rate used by this account.
sortable, filterable
See Date
The date on which this record was last modified in the accounting service.

The Account Reference Object

Data types that reference an account, for example, bill and invoice line items, use an accountRef that includes the id and name of the linked account.


Using Account Reference in Push

For convenience, when pushing data accountRef can be used alone with the id as a value instead of nesting it within.