Tax Benchmarking

The Tax Benchmarking object


Available on Enterprise plans only

From the Tax Benchmarking endpoint, you can retrieve financial benchmarks from tax data, in partnership with Powerlytics, based on the industry code and region.


Tax Benchmarks Report

Each benchmark report will have the following nested data (summary statistics) for each variable based on the section, subSection, group, and subGroup of a financial statement and financial ratios.

sectionobjectSummary statistics for section level of financial statements.
subSectionobjectSummary statistics for subSection level of financial statements.
groupobjectSummary statistics for group level of financial statements.
subGroupobjectSummary statistics for subGroup level of financial statements.
ratiosobjectSummary statistics for ratios level of financial statements.

Summary Statistics


Summary Statistics Naming Convention

The naming convention for the summary statistics is camelCase with the statistic abbreviation as the prefix. For example, the maximum value of COGS is represented as maxCostOfGoodsSold.

countintegerNumber of business records in the cohort.
mindecimalMinumum value of the cohort. Rounded to 2 decimals.
maxdecimalMaximum value of the cohort. Rounded to 2 decimals.
meandecimalAverage value of the cohort. Rounded to 2 decimals.
mediandecimalMedian value of the cohort. Rounded to 2 decimals.
sdevdecimalStandard deviation value of the cohort. Rounded to 2 decimals.
quantile5decimal5% quantile value of the cohort. Rounded to 2 decimals.
quantile25decimal25% quantile value of the cohort. Rounded to 2 decimals.
quantile75decimal75% quantile value of the cohort. Rounded to 2 decimals.
quantile95decimal95% quantile value of the cohort. Rounded to 2 decimals.