Tax Benchmarking


Available on Enterprise plans only and for US businesses only.


Railz has partnered with Powerlytics to provide enterprise customers with a powerful new benchmarking product via more granular and actionable data to better support small businesses and mid-market customers’ success. The integration between Powerlytics and Railz provides you with access to a deep financial profile of your business customers, along with corresponding performance opportunities based on the benchmark data of your customers’ competitors.

How it Works?

Our first version of the tax benchmarking leverages the Powerlytics platform to create cohorts based on industry code (NAICs code) and region.

The /taxBenchmarking endpoint gives Railz's customers the ability to access the following financial benchmarks via our API and Dashboard:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Cashflow Statement


See the Financial Benchmarking data model and API documentation for more details.