Visualizations SDK Overview

The Railz Visualizations SDK is a collection of reusable web components that help you build a dashboard using normalized financial transactions and analytics from the Railz API.

To learn more about installing and using Visualizations SDK, check out our quickstart for Angular and React.

Railz Visualizations SDK. Click to Expand.

Railz Visualizations SDK. Click to Expand.


  • Any Framework: Railz Visualizations makes it simple to use and implement its packages in any framework or none at all. We achieve this by utilizing web platform APIs and Web Components that are standardized.
  • Customization: Build charts that match your brand. See the component properties page for more details.
  • Responsive: All of the components were created with the mobile user in mind and are compatible with any screen size.
  • Typed: TypeScript was used to create the components, allowing you to enjoy completely typed components.
  • Accessibility: Railz Visualizations comes with built-in accessibility. We understand how important it is for everyone to be able to visit your website.

Supported Frameworks

StencilJS was used to build the Railz Visualizations SDK and framework wrappers for React and Angular were written to make the integration easier.


Why Stencil?

Stencil is a compiler for building fast web apps using Web Components.

Stencil combines the best concepts of the most popular frontend frameworks into a compile-time rather than a run-time tool. Stencil takes TypeScript, JSX, a tiny virtual DOM layer, efficient one-way data binding, an asynchronous rendering pipeline (similar to React Fiber) and lazy-loading text out of the box to generate 100% standards-based Web Components that run in any browser supporting the Custom Elements v1 spec.

Stencil components are just Web Components, so they work in any major framework or with no framework at all.

Full Support

We provide full support for the frameworks and libraries listed below:

  • Angular 12.0.0+ - with the @railzai/railz-visualizations-angular package.
  • React 17.0.0+ - with the @railzai/railz-visualizations-react package.

Open Source


This is a completely free project. It's hosted on GitHub and is open to the public.

MIT Licence

You are free to take advantage of the project in any way you see suitable. 


The Railz Visualizations library and documentation are open to contributions. For more information, check our contribution guidelines.


Need to report a bug?

Is there a bug or would you like a new feature? Create an issue or a pull request and the Railz team will review it. Any and all input is appreciated.