Event Listeners

Create a more controlled user experience through Connect event listeners

Accounting Data as a Service™ Connect triggers events according to authentication responses or different UI steps that are presented to the end user. These events can be listened to by using JavaScript callback functions and can be useful tools for tracing purposes as well as controlling the user experience.

To have the Event Listener enabled in your application, you need to make sure that you have the following parameters added to your Connect script in your application:

<!-- Insert this div where you want Connect to be initialized -->
<div id="railz-connect"></div>

<!-- Start of Railz Connect script -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@railzai/railz-connect@latest/dist/railz-connect.js"></script>
  var widget = new RailzConnect();
    parentElement: document.getElementById('railz-connect'),
    widgetId: widgetId,

    // Event Listeners   
    onExit: (event, data) => {
    	/**Your code here*/
    onSuccess: (event, data) => {
      /**Your code here*/
    onError: (event, data) => {
      /**Your code here*/
<!-- End of Connect script -->



The event is called when Connect is initialized and loaded in your application. It sends a load event with the following data as a payload.

businessNamestringDisplayed once Connects has loaded. The unique identifier of the business as defined by you or generated by us.
metadataarrayDisplayed once Connect has loaded. The metadata provided by you.
  businessName: "Test",
  metadata: [
      name: "businessLocation",
      value: "canada",
      webhookLocation: ["header", "body"]


The event is called when a user successfully connects to a service provider. It sends an authorization event with the following data as a payload.

businessNamestringDisplayed once Connects has loaded. The unique identifier of the business as defined by you or generated by Accounting Data as a Service™.
metadataarrayDisplayed once Connect has loaded. The metadata provided by you.
serviceNamestringThe service name the user connected to a business, e.g. quickbooks
  businessName: "Test",
  serviceName: "quickbooks",
  connectionUuid: "UUID-string",
  metadata: [
      name: "businessLocation",
      value: "canada",
      webhookLocation: ["header", "body"]


This event is called when a user exits Connect regardless of connection success or failure. It sends an exit event with the following data as a payload.

businessNamestringDisplayed once Connect has loaded. The unique identifier of the business as defined by you or generated by Accounting Data as a Service™.
  businessName: "Test"


This event is called when an error occurs during the connection flow. It sends an error object within each event's payload. Error events are triggered when:

  • A connection was not successful.
  • Generic Connect errors.
  • Timed-out.
errorobjectAn error object that contains the errorCode and errorMessageof the error that was last encountered by the user.
error.errorCodestringThe error code and error type that the user encountered.
error.errorMessagestringA developer-friendly representation of the error code.


  businessName: "Railz Test",
  metadata: [
      name: "businessLocation",
      value: "canada",
      webhookLocation: ["header", "body"]
  error: {
    errorCode: "timeout",
    errorMessage: "Request has timedout."


  businessName: "Railz Test",
	serviceName: "freshbooks",
  connectionUuid: "UUID-string",
  metadata: [
      name: "businessLocation",
      value: "canada",
      webhookLocation: ["header", "body"]
  error: {
    errorCode: "unauthorizedCredentials",
    errorMessage: "Unable to authorize connection with provided credentials."


  businessName: "Railz Test",
	serviceName: "freshbooks",
  metadata: [
      name: "businessLocation",
      value: "canada",
      webhookLocation: ["header", "body"]
  error: {
    errorCode: "timeout",
    errorMessage: "Request has timedout."


serviceName is optional in timeout error events. A timeout prior to the user selecting a service will not have a serviceName in the event response.