Setting Up Postman

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up the Railz Postman collection, enabling you to smoothly test our APIs.

Load Railz Swagger JSON into Postman

  1. Import the Collection: Open Postman and click on the Import button at the top left corner. A dialog box will appear as shown below:

  2. Load the API: Paste the following link to load the version 2 of the Railz API:
  3. Verify the Collection: A new collection named Railz API should now be created in your Postman workspace.

Set Up Authentication

  1. Add a New Request: Right-click on the Railz API collection and select Add Request. Use the following URL for the new request:

  2. Configure Basic Auth:

    • Under the Authorization tab, select Basic Auth.
    • Enter {{api_client_id}} as the username and {{api_client_secret}} as the password.

  3. Store the Bearer Token: Modify the getAccess request's Tests script to save the received bearer token to the bearerToken variable:

    var jsonData = pm.response.json();
    pm.collectionVariables.set("bearerToken", jsonData.access_token);

Set Up Collection Variables

  1. Access Collection Variables: Click on the Railz API collection name and then click on the Variables tab.

  2. Define Variables: Add three variables: bearerToken, api_client_id, and api_client_secret. Fill in the values for api_client_id and api_client_secret as provided in your Railz Dashboard. See Manage API Keys for more details.

Calling Railz API

Here’s how to use the token and call an endpoint after setting up:

  1. Authenticate: First, call the getAccess endpoint to load the authorization token into the bearerToken variable.

  2. Make API Calls: Use the bearer token to call an endpoint, such as the List Businesses endpoint. The Authorization header should already be configured for you.

For most APIs, a connectionUuid is required as our data is linked to the connection made between Railz and a supported ASP. For instance, to list the accounts of a specific connection, first retrieve the connectionUuid by listing the connections of a business:

With the connectionUuid returned in the response, you can then call the Get Accounts API as follows:

Try it Now

You are all set to explore Railz APIs using Postman.

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