Quickstart & Example Apps

Learn how to include Railz Connect into your web applications with ease.

This quickstart is specifically meant for developers. It will take you through the basic steps required to install the Railz Connect™ SDK. You should have gone through the Quickstart for Developers pages before proceeding with this quickstart.


This QuickStart is specifically using the Sandbox environments.

We've built a set of quickstart and example outputs to get you to incorporate the Railz Connect into your application fast and with ease. Start by cloning the quickstart examples and running Railz Connect on your local machine. If you don't need an example, you can skip to Setup Railz Connect SDK.

To begin using the examples, you'll need to do the following

  1. Sign up on the Dashboard
  2. Setup an Integration on the dashboard by following these steps in sandbox mode
  3. To get your widget identifier through the dashboard, go to Railz Connect > Setup in the left sidebar navigation menu of the Dashboard.
  4. Clone Railz Connect GitHub repository.
  5. Replace the code base with the widgetId.
  6. Build and run your application to make use of Railz Connect



Before getting started, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed. Windows users should make sure they have a terminal capable of performing basic Unix shell commands.

Quickstart Example Apps Setup

1. Clone the Railz Connect GitHub Repository

# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/railz-ai/railz-connect.git
cd angular

2. Add your widgetId

Open the src/app/app.component.ts file and replace your widgetId on line 17.

3. Build and Run Example Angular App

Install dependencies and start the example backend app. Your application server will be running at http://localhost:4200.

# Install dependencies

# Start the backend app
yarn start

# Application should run at http://localhost:4200

4. Display Railz Connect

At this point, you should launch Railz Connect using the application server URL http://localhost:4200.

Railz Connect - Service Provider Selection. Click to Expand.

Railz Connect service provider selection page. Click to Expand.