Components Properties

The Railz Visualizations SDK comes packed with a set of component properties that allow you to build a custom-looking dashboard that meets your product needs. Learn more about each component's properties below.


Component Filter Parameters

Can't be used to filter at the moment but will be available in a future release when the APIs are updated.

startDate and endDate
Note that the difference between your start date and end date should be a maximum of 12 periods
For example:

  1. Your filter does not contain reportFrequency - difference between startDate and endDate should be 12 months.
  2. Your filter contains reportFrequency of month - difference between startDate and endDate should be 12 months.
  3. Your filter contains reportFrequency of quarter` - difference between startDate and endDate should be 12 quarters.
  4. Your filter contains reportFrequency of year - difference between startDate and endDate should be 12 years.

Railz Visualizations

configurationobjectObject containing important information for authentication. If changed, the component is re-rendered.true
configuration.tokenstringTo authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Railz Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token.true
configuration.debugbooleanServes as an indication to log warnings and errors if true.false
filterobjectFilters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type. The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component.true
[invoices, bills, cashflowStatements, balanceSheets, incomeStatements]
Type of chart to render.true
filter.businessNamestringUnique business name identifier.true if connectionId is not passed
See supported integrations enum values
Name of the accounting service platform.true if connectionId is not passed
(not available)
stringUnique connection identifier.true if businessName and serviceName are not passed
[month, quarter, year]
The snapshot of reporting periods.true only for cashflowStatements, balanceSheets, incomeStatements
Date from which the data begins.true
Date from which the data ends.
Difference between the start and end date should be a maximum of 12 months.
optionsobjectA component options object for styling components.false

Railz Statements Chart

configurationobjectObject containing important information for authentication. If changed, component is re-rendered.true
configuration.tokenstringTo authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Railz Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token.true
filterobjectFilters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type. The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component.true
[invoices, bills, cashflowStatements, balanceSheets, incomeStatements]
Type of financial statement.true
filter.businessNamestringUnique business name identifier.true if connectionId is not passed
See supported integrations enum values
Name of accounting service platform.true if connectionId is not passed
(not available)
stringUnique Connection identifier.true if businessName and serviceName are not passed
[month, quarter, year]
The snapshot of reporting periods.true
Date from which the report data begins.true
Date from which the report data ends.
Difference between the start and end date should be a maximum of 12 months.
optionsobjectA component options object for styling components.false

Railz Transactions Control

configurationobjectObject containing important information for authentication.true
configuration.tokenstringTo authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Railz Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token.true
filterobjectFilters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type, The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component.true
[invoices, bills]
Type of transaction.true
filter.businessNamestringUnique business name identifier.true if connectionId is not passed
See supported integrations enum values
Name of accounting service platform.true if connectionId is not passed
(not available)
stringUnique connection identifier.true if businessName and serviceName are not passed
Date from which the transactions begins.true
Date from which the transactions ends.
Difference between the start and end date should be a maximum of 12 months.
optionsobjectA component options object for styling components.false

Railz Income Statements Chart

configurationobjectObject containing important information for authentication. If changed, component is re-rendered.true
configuration.tokenstringTo authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Railz Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token.true
filterobjectFilters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type. The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component.true
[expenses, revenue]
Type of financial statement.true
filter.businessNamestringUnique business name identifier.true if connectionId is not passed
See supported integrations enum values
Name of accounting service platform.true if connectionId is not passed
(not available)
stringUnique Connection identifier.true if businessName and serviceName are not passed
[month, quarter, year]
The snapshot of reporting periods.true
Date from which the report data begins.true
Date from which the report data ends.
Difference between the start and end date should be a maximum of 12 months.
optionsobjectA component options object for styling components.false

Railz Credit Score

configurationobjectObject containing important information for authentication.true
configuration.tokenstringTo authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Railz Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token.true
filterobjectFilters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type, The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component.true
Type of transaction.true
filter.businessNamestringUnique business name identifier.true if connectionId is not passed
See supported integrations enum values
Name of accounting service platform.true if connectionId is not passed
(not available)
stringUnique connection identifier.true if businessName and serviceName are not passed
Date from which the transactions begins.true
Date from which the transactions ends.
Difference between the start and end date should be a maximum of 12 months.
optionsobjectA component options object for styling components.false

Railz Bank Accounts

configurationobjectObject containing important information for authentication.true
configuration.tokenstringTo authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Railz Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token.true
filterobjectFilters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type, The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component.true
Type of transaction.true
filter.businessNamestringUnique business name identifier.true if connectionId is not passed
See supported integrations enum values
Name of accounting service platform.true if connectionId is not passed
(not available)
stringUnique connection identifier.true if businessName and serviceName are not passed
optionsobjectA component options object for styling components.false

Railz Progress Bar

[invoices, bills]
Type of transaction.falseempty
unpaidAmountnumberFor unpaid amount of an invoice or bill.true
paidAmountnumberFor paid amount of an invoice or bill.true
overdueAmountnumberFor overdue amount of an invoice or bill.false0
optionsobjectFor whitelabeling styling the progress bar.false
options.titleStyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the bar title (
Total unpaid value).
falsecolor: #424242;
fontSize: 14px; fontWeight: 500;
options.titleValueStyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the bar title amount.falsecolor: #424242;
fontSize: 14px;
fontWeight: 600;
options.subTitle1StyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle(Paid value).falsecolor: #424242;
fontSize: 12px; fontWeight: 500;
options.subTitleValue1StyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle amount.falsecolor: #1e313b;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 14px;
options.subTitle2StyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle (Overdue value).falsecolor: #424242;
fontSize: 12px; fontWeight: 500;
options.subTitleValue2StyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the bar second subtitle amount.falsecolor: #1e313b;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 14px;
options.barStyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the bar.falseheight: 16px;
background: #f5f5f5;
borderRadius: 3px;
options.progressStyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the bar’s progress indicator.falsedisplay: block;
height: 100%;
background: #ffd738;
borderRadius: 3px 0 0 3px;

Railz Loading Indicator

loadingTextstringText to display at the bottom of the loading indicator.false
fillColorstringFill color of the loading indicator.false00884f
textStyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator.falsecolor: #000000
font-size: 12px;
widthstringwidth of the loading indicator.false48px
heightstringheight of the loading indicator.false48px

Railz Error Image

statusCodenumberStatus code based on HTTP Response codes.false
textstringText to display at the bottom of the svg image.false202 - Data currently unavailable
204 - No data available
404 - No data available
500 - Oops, something went wrong
No Code - Oops, something went wrong
fillColorstringFill color of the svg image representing a status code.false949494
textStyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the error indicator.falsecolor: #424242
font-size: 14px;
widthstringWidth of the error indicator.false202, 204, 404 - 48px
500 - 88px
heightstringHeight of the error indicator.false202, 204, 404 - 56px
500 - 64px

Component Options Object


All fields in the Options parameter are optional.

NameTypeDescriptionReport Type
containerobjectAn object for styling the bounding box of the chart. See object details.all
titleobjectAn object to customize the title section of the container. See object details.all
subTitleobjectAn object to customize the sub title section of the container. See object details.creditScore
chartobjectAn object to customize the charts. See object details.cashflowStatements, balanceSheets, incomeStatements, creditScore, expenses, revenue
barobjectObject to cover the styling options of the progress bar. See object details.invoices, bills
ratioobjectObject to cover the styling options for the financial ratio component. See object details.financialRatios
tableobjectObject to cover the styling options for table component. See object details.bankAccounts
loadingIndicatorobjectObject for styling the loading indicator. See object details.all
errorIndicatorobjectObject for styling the error indicator svg and text. See object details.all
tooltipIndicatorobjectObject for styling the tooltip indicator svg and text. See object details.all
contentobjectObject for replacing text content present in components. See object details.all

Component Options Container Object

styleCSSObjectRailz Statements Charts
height: 360px;

Railz Transactions Control
height: 202px;

Railz Income Statements
height: 300px;

Railz Railz Score
height: 300px;

Railz Bank Accounts
height: 202px;

Railz Financial Ratios
height: 360px;
CSS Object styles for the container.

Component Options Title Object

styleCSSObjectcolor: #003032;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: 600;
text-align: left;
justify-content: left;
CSS Object styles for the title.
visiblebooleantrueDetermines if you want to make the title visible, also hides the tooltip

Component Options SubTitle Object

styleCSSObjectalign-self: center;
text-align: center;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 500;
line-height: 28px;
width: 100%;
CSS Object styles for the sub title.
visiblebooleantrueDetermines if you want to make the sub title visible, also hides the tooltip
dateVisiblebooleantrueDetermines if you want to make the date in the sub title visible
[top, bottom]
topDetermines the location of the subtitle

Component Options Chart Object

colorsarraySee default table belowList of color strings for the chart, length is dependant on chart type.
fontFamilystringSee default hereFont family of the chart.
backgroundColorstring#FFFFFFBackground color of the chart
labelHighcharts.CSSObjectDefaultObject for styling the chart labels.
legendHighcharts.CSSObjectDefaultObject for styling the chart legends.
widthnull, number, stringnullDetails.
heightnull, number, stringnullDetails.
styleHighcharts.CSSObjectDefaultObject for styling the chart
yAxisStyleHighcharts.CSSObjectDefaultObject for styling the chart yAxis.
xAxisStyleHighcharts.CSSObjectDefaultObject for styling the chart xAxis.
pieobjectSee details hereObject to cover the styling of additional pie chart properties. Used by expenses and revenue.
gaugeobjectSee details hereObject to cover the styling of additional gauge chart properties. Used by creditScore

Component Options Chart Pie Object

totalCSSObject color: #000000;
line-height: 1.5;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 700;
Object for styling the total value.
legendValueCSSObjectfont-size: 14px;
color: #070a0e;
Object for styling the chart legend values.
legendNameCSSObject font-size: 12px;
color: #424242;
Object for styling the chart legend titles.
positiveCSSObjectcolor: #003032;Object for styling the positive value.
negativeCSSObjectcolor: #7d0000;Object for styling the negative value.

Component Options Chart Gauge Object

color: #000000;
Object for styling the score value.
font-weight: 400;
Object for styling the rating value.
colorRangesobjectSee default table below for Credit ScoreObject for styling the guage color ranges

Component Options Bar Object

titleStyleCSSObjectcolor: #424242;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 500;
Object based on HTML stylings for the bar title (
Total unpaid value).
titleValueStyleCSSObjectcolor: #424242;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 600;
Object based on HTML stylings for the bar title amount.
subTitle1StyleCSSObjectcolor: #424242;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 500;
Object based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle (Paid value).
subTitleValue1StyleCSSObjectfont-weight: 600;
font-size: 14px;
color: #1e313b;
Object based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle amount.
subTitle2StyleCSSObjectcolor: #424242;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 500;
text-align: right;
Object based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle(Overdue value).
subTitleValue2StyleCSSObjectfont-weight: 600;
font-size: 14px;
color: #1e313b;
Object based on HTML stylings for the bar second subtitle amount.
barStyleCSSObjectheight: 16px;
background: #f5f5f5;
border-radius: 3px;
Object based on HTML stylings for the bar.
progressStyleCSSObjectdisplay: block;
height: 100%;
background: #FFD738;
border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px;
Object based on HTML stylings for the bar’s progress indicator.

Component Options Ratio Object

headerCSSObjectdisplay: flex;Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator.
selectobjectSee details hereObject based on styling for the select
itemContainerCSSObjectcolor: #000000
font-size: 12px
Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator.
itemInfoCSSObjectcolor: #000000
font-size: 12px
Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator.
itemNameCSSObjectcolor: #000000
font-size: 12px
Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator.
itemNameTextCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for a ratio type title
itemValueCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the ratio type value
itemSummaryCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the ratio type values container
sparkLineobjectSee details hereObject for the chart stylings
itemToolTipToolTip ObjectSee details hereObject based on styling for tooltip
itemPercentageobjectSee details hereObject based on HTML stylings for the ratio percentage change

Component Options Ratio Select Object

[center, left, right]
rightposition of the dropdown item
itemCSSObjectcolor: #000000DD;Object for styling each of the items in the dropdown
selectedItemCSSObjectbackground: #00000014;Object for styling the selected item in the dropdown
styleCSSObjectbackground: #fffff;Object for styling the select object
containerCSSObjectbackground: #fffff;Object for styling the dropdown container when expanded
arrowOptions Title ObjectSee details hereObject for styling the select arrow

Component Options Ratio Item Percentage Object

positiveCSSObjectcolor: #003032;Object for styling the positive value.
negativeCSSObjectcolor: #7d0000;Object for styling the negative value.

Component Options Sparkline Object

containerCSSObjectwidth: 132px;
height: 60px;
Object for styling each of the items in the dropdown
chartobjectSee details hereObject for styling the chart component

Component Options Table Object

styleCSSObjectlist-style-type: none;
font-weight: 400;
Object based on HTML stylings for the table component
titleCSSObjectcolor: #000000;
line-height: 28px;
font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500;
Object based on HTML stylings for the title component.
itemContainerCSSObjectdisplay: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
Object based on HTML stylings for the container of each item in the table.
itemNameCSSObjectcolor: #424242;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 500;
Object based on HTML stylings for the account name
itemSeperatorCSSObjectmargin: 0 16px 8px;
display: flex;
flex-grow: 1;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #9e9e9e;
Object based on HTML stylings for the seperator between the account name and balance
itemValueCSSObjecttext-align: end;
color: #212121;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 700;
Object based on HTML stylings for the title component.

Component Options Loading Indicator Object

fillColorstring00884fColor for the loading indicator.
textStyleCSSObjectcolor: #000000
font-size: 12px
Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator.
widthstring48pxWidth of the loading indicator.
heightstring48pxHeight of the loading indicator.

Component Options Error Indicator Object

fillColorstring949494Color for the error indicator svg.
textStylestringcolor: #424242
font-size: 14px
Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed in the error indicator.
widthstring202, 204, 404 - 48px
500 - 88px
Width of the error indicator.
heightstring202, 204, 404 - 56px
500 - 64px
Height of the error indicator.

Component Options Tooltip Indicator Object

fillColorstringFEFEFEColor for the tooltip indicator svg.
widthstring13pxWidth of the tooltip indicator.
heightstring13pxHeight of the tooltip indicator.
[bottom-center, bottom-left, bottom-right , center-left , center-right]
bottom-centerPosition where the tooltip text will appear
styleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the tooltip container
textStyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the tooltip if a text parameter is passed
tooltipTextStyleCSSObjectObject based on HTML stylings for the text displayed on hover

Component Options Content Object

titlestringBased on the report typecontent for report type title
subTitlestringAs of endDatecontent for report type sub title.
Used by creditScore.
dateobjectSee details herecontent for formatting date shown on charts. See datefns
labelobjectSee details hereobject containing title changes for each financial ratio types, does not change the content of the fields.
tooltipobjectSee details hereobject containing tooltip content

Component Options Content Date Format Object

formatstringmonthly - 'MMM yy'
quarterly - 'yyyy'
yearly - 'yyyy'
Object for setting the date format, default is based on report frequency
localestring'us'Object for date locale
prefixstring'Q'Object for setting the prefix for quarterly frequency

Component Options Content Tooltip Object

descriptionstringobject containing tooltip content changes for each component tooltip.
n - [financial ratios]string
See details here
object containing tooltip content changes for each financial ratio types, does not change the content of the fields.

Chart Colors


Trendline Color

Current version of Railz Visualizations does not allow you to modify the trendline color.

Report TypeColors
balanceSheetsCurrent assets: #1D7043
Current liabilities: #F06C3A
Non-current assets: #30A665
Non-current liabilities: #B30000
incomeStatementsIncome: #006037
Expenses: #F06C3A
Cost of Goods Sold: #B30000
Other Income: #003032
Other Expenses: #38C076
cashflowStatementsOperating activities: #009BBD
Financing Activities: #F06C3A
Investing Activities: #003032
expenses, revenueFirst Color: #00883D
Second Color: #009BBD
Third Color: #38C076
Fourth Color: #B5F4FD
Fifth Color: #FFD738
creditScoredefault: #FFD839
525: #E0E345
575: #A2DF61
625: #6DE18D
675: #15D283
750: #00884F