Components Properties
The Visualizations SDK comes packed with a set of component properties that allow you to build a custom-looking dashboard that meets your product needs. Learn more about each component's properties below.
Component Filter Parameters
Can't be used to filter at the moment but will be available in a future release when the APIs are updated.startDate and endDate
Note that the difference between your start date and end date should be a maximum of 12 periods
For example:
- Your filter does not contain
- difference between startDate and endDate should be 12 months.- Your filter contains
- difference between startDate and endDate should be 12 months.- Your filter contains
reportFrequency of
quarter` - difference between startDate and endDate should be 12 quarters.- Your filter contains
- difference between startDate and endDate should be 12 years.
Accounting Data as a Serviceā¢ Visualizations
Property | Type | Description | Required |
configuration | object | Object containing important information for authentication. If changed, the component is re-rendered. | true |
configuration.token | string | To authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token. | true |
configuration.debug | boolean | Serves as an indication to log warnings and errors if true. | false |
filter | object | Filters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type. The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component. | true |
filter.reportType | enum [ invoices , bills , cashflowStatements , balanceSheets , incomeStatements ] | Type of chart to render. | true |
filter.businessName | string | Unique business name identifier. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.serviceName | enum See supported integrations enum values | Name of the accounting service platform. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.connectionId (not available) | string | Unique connection identifier. | true if businessName and serviceName are not passed |
filter.reportFrequency | enum [ month , quarter , year ] | The snapshot of reporting periods. | true only for cashflowStatements, balanceSheets, incomeStatements |
filter.startDate | string YYYY-MM-DD | Date from which the data begins. | true |
filter.endDate | string YYYY-MM-DD | Date from which the data ends. Difference between the start and end date should be a maximum of 12 months. | true |
options | object | A component options object for styling components. | false |
Statements Chart
Property | Type | Description | Required |
configuration | object | Object containing important information for authentication. If changed, component is re-rendered. | true |
configuration.token | string | To authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token. | true |
filter | object | Filters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type. The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component. | true |
filter.reportType | enum [ invoices , bills , cashflowStatements , balanceSheets , incomeStatements ] | Type of financial statement. | true |
filter.businessName | string | Unique business name identifier. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.serviceName | enum See supported integrations enum values | Name of accounting service platform. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.connectionId (not available) | string | Unique Connection identifier. | true if businessName and serviceName are not passed |
filter.reportFrequency | enum [ month , quarter , year ] | The snapshot of reporting periods. | true |
filter.startDate | string YYYY-MM-DD | Date from which the report data begins. | true |
filter.endDate | string YYYY-MM-DD | Date from which the report data ends. Difference between the start and end date should be a maximum of 12 months. | true |
options | object | A component options object for styling components. | false |
Transactions Control
Property | Type | Description | Required |
configuration | object | Object containing important information for authentication. | true |
configuration.token | string | To authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token. | true |
filter | object | Filters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type, The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component. | true |
filter.reportType | enum [ invoices , bills ] | Type of transaction. | true |
filter.businessName | string | Unique business name identifier. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.serviceName | enum See supported integrations enum values | Name of accounting service platform. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.connectionId (not available) | string | Unique connection identifier. | true if businessName and serviceName are not passed |
filter.startDate | string YYYY-MM-DD | Date from which the transactions begins. | true |
filter.endDate | string YYYY-MM-DD | Date from which the transactions ends. Difference between the start and end date should be a maximum of 12 months. | true |
options | object | A component options object for styling components. | false |
Income Statements Chart
Property | Type | Description | Required |
configuration | object | Object containing important information for authentication. If changed, component is re-rendered. | true |
configuration.token | string | To authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token. | true |
filter | object | Filters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type. The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component. | true |
filter.reportType | enum [ expenses , revenue ] | Type of financial statement. | true |
filter.businessName | string | Unique business name identifier. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.serviceName | enum See supported integrations enum values | Name of accounting service platform. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.connectionId (not available) | string | Unique Connection identifier. | true if businessName and serviceName are not passed |
filter.reportFrequency | enum [ month , quarter , year ] | The snapshot of reporting periods. | true |
filter.startDate | string YYYY-MM-DD | Date from which the report data begins. | true |
filter.endDate | string YYYY-MM-DD | Date from which the report data ends. Difference between the start and end date should be a maximum of 12 months. | true |
options | object | A component options object for styling components. | false |
Credit Score
Property | Type | Description | Required |
configuration | object | Object containing important information for authentication. | true |
configuration.token | string | To authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token. | true |
filter | object | Filters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type, The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component. | true |
filter.reportType | enum [ railzScore ] | Type of transaction. | true |
filter.businessName | string | Unique business name identifier. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.serviceName | enum See supported integrations enum values | Name of accounting service platform. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.connectionId (not available) | string | Unique connection identifier. | true if businessName and serviceName are not passed |
filter.startDate | string YYYY-MM-DD | Date from which the transactions begins. | true |
filter.endDate | string YYYY-MM-DD | Date from which the transactions ends. Difference between the start and end date should be a maximum of 12 months. | true |
options | object | A component options object for styling components. | false |
Bank Accounts
Property | Type | Description | Required |
configuration | object | Object containing important information for authentication. | true |
configuration.token | string | To authenticate your application, specify an access token. The Authentication API endpoint can be used to get this access token. | true |
filter | object | Filters needed to display a chart, they are specific to a report type, The filter object should only be changed if you are ready to re-render the component. | true |
filter.reportType | enum [ bankAccounts ] | Type of transaction. | true |
filter.businessName | string | Unique business name identifier. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.serviceName | enum See supported integrations enum values | Name of accounting service platform. | true if connectionId is not passed |
filter.connectionId (not available) | string | Unique connection identifier. | true if businessName and serviceName are not passed |
options | object | A component options object for styling components. | false |
Progress Bar
Property | Type | Description | Required | Default |
reportType | enum [ invoices , bills ] | Type of transaction. | false | empty |
unpaidAmount | number | For unpaid amount of an invoice or bill. | true | |
paidAmount | number | For paid amount of an invoice or bill. | true | |
overdueAmount | number | For overdue amount of an invoice or bill. | false | 0 |
options | object | For whitelabeling styling the progress bar. | false | |
options.titleStyle | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar title ( Total unpaid value). | false | color: #424242; fontSize: 14px; fontWeight: 500; |
options.titleValueStyle | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar title amount. | false | color: #424242; fontSize: 14px; fontWeight: 600; |
options.subTitle1Style | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle(Paid value). | false | color: #424242; fontSize: 12px; fontWeight: 500; |
options.subTitleValue1Style | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle amount. | false | color: #1e313b; font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; |
options.subTitle2Style | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle (Overdue value). | false | color: #424242; fontSize: 12px; fontWeight: 500; |
options.subTitleValue2Style | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar second subtitle amount. | false | color: #1e313b; font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; |
options.barStyle | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar. | false | height: 16px; background: #f5f5f5; borderRadius: 3px; |
options.progressStyle | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the barās progress indicator. | false | display: block; height: 100%; background: #ffd738; borderRadius: 3px 0 0 3px; |
Loading Indicator
Property | Type | Description | Required | Default |
loadingText | string | Text to display at the bottom of the loading indicator. | false | |
fillColor | string | Fill color of the loading indicator. | false | 00884f |
textStyle | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator. | false | color: #000000 font-size: 12px; |
width | string | width of the loading indicator. | false | 48px |
height | string | height of the loading indicator. | false | 48px |
Error Image
Property | Type | Description | Required | Default |
statusCode | number | Status code based on HTTP Response codes. | false | |
text | string | Text to display at the bottom of the svg image. | false | 202 - Data currently unavailable 204 - No data available 404 - No data available 500 - Oops, something went wrong No Code - Oops, something went wrong |
fillColor | string | Fill color of the svg image representing a status code. | false | 949494 |
textStyle | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the error indicator. | false | color: #424242 font-size: 14px; |
width | string | Width of the error indicator. | false | 202, 204, 404 - 48px 500 - 88px |
height | string | Height of the error indicator. | false | 202, 204, 404 - 56px 500 - 64px |
Component Options Object
All fields in the Options parameter are optional.
Name | Type | Description | Report Type |
container | object | An object for styling the bounding box of the chart. See object details. | all |
title | object | An object to customize the title section of the container. See object details. | all |
subTitle | object | An object to customize the sub title section of the container. See object details. | creditScore |
chart | object | An object to customize the charts. See object details. | cashflowStatements, balanceSheets, incomeStatements, creditScore, expenses, revenue |
bar | object | Object to cover the styling options of the progress bar. See object details. | invoices, bills |
ratio | object | Object to cover the styling options for the financial ratio component. See object details. | financialRatios |
table | object | Object to cover the styling options for table component. See object details. | bankAccounts |
loadingIndicator | object | Object for styling the loading indicator. See object details. | all |
errorIndicator | object | Object for styling the error indicator svg and text. See object details. | all |
tooltipIndicator | object | Object for styling the tooltip indicator svg and text. See object details. | all |
content | object | Object for replacing text content present in components. See object details. | all |
Component Options Container Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
style | CSSObject | Statements Charts height: 360px; Transactions Control height: 202px; Income Statements height: 300px; Credit Score height: 300px; Bank Accounts height: 202px; Financial Ratios height: 360px; | CSS Object styles for the container. |
Component Options Title Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
style | CSSObject | color: #003032; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 600; text-align: left; justify-content: left; | CSS Object styles for the title. |
visible | boolean | true | Determines if you want to make the title visible, also hides the tooltip |
Component Options SubTitle Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
style | CSSObject | align-self: center; text-align: center; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 500; line-height: 28px; width: 100%; | CSS Object styles for the sub title. |
visible | boolean | true | Determines if you want to make the sub title visible, also hides the tooltip |
dateVisible | boolean | true | Determines if you want to make the date in the sub title visible |
position | enum [ top , bottom ] | top | Determines the location of the subtitle |
Component Options Chart Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
colors | array | See default table below | List of color strings for the chart, length is dependant on chart type. |
fontFamily | string | See default here | Font family of the chart. |
backgroundColor | string | #FFFFFF | Background color of the chart Schema. |
label | Highcharts.CSSObject | Default | Object for styling the chart labels. |
legend | Highcharts.CSSObject | Default | Object for styling the chart legends. |
width | null, number, string | null | Details. |
height | null, number, string | null | Details. |
style | Highcharts.CSSObject | Default | Object for styling the chart |
yAxisStyle | Highcharts.CSSObject | Default | Object for styling the chart yAxis. |
xAxisStyle | Highcharts.CSSObject | Default | Object for styling the chart xAxis. |
pie | object | See details here | Object to cover the styling of additional pie chart properties. Used by expenses and revenue. |
gauge | object | See details here | Object to cover the styling of additional gauge chart properties. Used by creditScore |
Component Options Chart Pie Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
total | CSSObject | color: #000000; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 700; | Object for styling the total value. |
legendValue | CSSObject | font-size: 14px; color: #070a0e; | Object for styling the chart legend values. |
legendName | CSSObject | font-size: 12px; color: #424242; | Object for styling the chart legend titles. |
positive | CSSObject | color: #003032; | Object for styling the positive value. |
negative | CSSObject | color: #7d0000; | Object for styling the negative value. |
Component Options Chart Gauge Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
score | Highcharts.CSSObject | font-size:36px; color: #000000; font-weight:600; | Object for styling the score value. |
rating | Highcharts.CSSObject | font-size:16px; font-weight: 400; | Object for styling the rating value. |
colorRanges | object | See default table below for Credit Score | Object for styling the guage color ranges |
Component Options Bar Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
titleStyle | CSSObject | color: #424242; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500; | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar title ( Total unpaid value). |
titleValueStyle | CSSObject | color: #424242; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600; | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar title amount. |
subTitle1Style | CSSObject | color: #424242; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 500; | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle (Paid value). |
subTitleValue1Style | CSSObject | font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; color: #1e313b; | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle amount. |
subTitle2Style | CSSObject | color: #424242; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 500; text-align: right; | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar first subtitle(Overdue value). |
subTitleValue2Style | CSSObject | font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; color: #1e313b; | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar second subtitle amount. |
barStyle | CSSObject | height: 16px; background: #f5f5f5; border-radius: 3px; | Object based on HTML stylings for the bar. |
progressStyle | CSSObject | display: block; height: 100%; background: #FFD738; border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; | Object based on HTML stylings for the barās progress indicator. |
Component Options Ratio Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
header | CSSObject | display: flex; | Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator. |
select | object | See details here | Object based on styling for the select |
itemContainer | CSSObject | color: #000000 font-size: 12px | Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator. |
itemInfo | CSSObject | color: #000000 font-size: 12px | Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator. |
itemName | CSSObject | color: #000000 font-size: 12px | Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator. |
itemNameText | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for a ratio type title | |
itemValue | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the ratio type value | |
itemSummary | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the ratio type values container | |
sparkLine | object | See details here | Object for the chart stylings |
itemToolTip | ToolTip Object | See details here | Object based on styling for tooltip |
itemPercentage | object | See details here | Object based on HTML stylings for the ratio percentage change |
Component Options Ratio Select Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
position | enum [ center , left , right ] | right | position of the dropdown item |
item | CSSObject | color: #000000DD; | Object for styling each of the items in the dropdown |
selectedItem | CSSObject | background: #00000014; | Object for styling the selected item in the dropdown |
style | CSSObject | background: #fffff; | Object for styling the select object |
container | CSSObject | background: #fffff; | Object for styling the dropdown container when expanded |
arrow | Options Title Object | See details here | Object for styling the select arrow |
Component Options Ratio Item Percentage Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
positive | CSSObject | color: #003032; | Object for styling the positive value. |
negative | CSSObject | color: #7d0000; | Object for styling the negative value. |
Component Options Sparkline Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
container | CSSObject | width: 132px; height: 60px; | Object for styling each of the items in the dropdown |
chart | object | See details here | Object for styling the chart component |
Component Options Table Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
style | CSSObject | list-style-type: none; font-weight: 400; | Object based on HTML stylings for the table component |
title | CSSObject | color: #000000; line-height: 28px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500; | Object based on HTML stylings for the title component. |
itemContainer | CSSObject | display: flex; justify-content: space-between; | Object based on HTML stylings for the container of each item in the table. |
itemName | CSSObject | color: #424242; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500; | Object based on HTML stylings for the account name |
itemSeperator | CSSObject | margin: 0 16px 8px; display: flex; flex-grow: 1; border-bottom: 1px dashed #9e9e9e; | Object based on HTML stylings for the seperator between the account name and balance |
itemValue | CSSObject | text-align: end; color: #212121; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 700; | Object based on HTML stylings for the title component. |
Component Options Loading Indicator Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fillColor | string | 00884f | Color for the loading indicator. |
textStyle | CSSObject | color: #000000 font-size: 12px | Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed with the loading indicator. |
width | string | 48px | Width of the loading indicator. |
height | string | 48px | Height of the loading indicator. |
Component Options Error Indicator Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fillColor | string | 949494 | Color for the error indicator svg. |
textStyle | string | color: #424242 font-size: 14px | Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed in the error indicator. |
width | string | 202, 204, 404 - 48px 500 - 88px | Width of the error indicator. |
height | string | 202, 204, 404 - 56px 500 - 64px | Height of the error indicator. |
Component Options Tooltip Indicator Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fillColor | string | FEFEFE | Color for the tooltip indicator svg. |
width | string | 13px | Width of the tooltip indicator. |
height | string | 13px | Height of the tooltip indicator. |
position | enum [ bottom-center , bottom-left , bottom-right , center-left , center-right ] | bottom-center | Position where the tooltip text will appear |
style | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the tooltip container | |
textStyle | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the tooltip if a text parameter is passed | |
tooltipTextStyle | CSSObject | Object based on HTML stylings for the text displayed on hover |
Component Options Content Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | Based on the report type | content for report type title |
subTitle | string | As of endDate | content for report type sub title. Used by creditScore. |
date | object | See details here | content for formatting date shown on charts. See datefns |
label | object | See details here | object containing title changes for each financial ratio types, does not change the content of the fields. |
tooltip | object | See details here | object containing tooltip content |
Component Options Content Date Format Object
Name | Type | Default | Description |
format | string | monthly - 'MMM yy' quarterly - 'yyyy' yearly - 'yyyy' | Object for setting the date format, default is based on report frequency |
locale | string | 'us' | Object for date locale |
prefix | string | 'Q' | Object for setting the prefix for quarterly frequency |
Component Options Content Tooltip Object
Name | Type | Description |
description | string | object containing tooltip content changes for each component tooltip. |
n - [financial ratios] | string See details here | object containing tooltip content changes for each financial ratio types, does not change the content of the fields. |
Chart Colors
Trendline Color
Current version of Visualizations does not allow you to modify the trendline color.
Report Type | Colors |
balanceSheets | Current assets: #1D7043 Current liabilities: #F06C3A Non-current assets: #30A665 Non-current liabilities: #B30000 |
incomeStatements | Income: #006037 Expenses: #F06C3A Cost of Goods Sold: #B30000 Other Income: #003032 Other Expenses: #38C076 |
cashflowStatements | Operating activities: #009BBD Financing Activities: #F06C3A Investing Activities: #003032 |
expenses, revenue | First Color: #00883D Second Color: #009BBD Third Color: #38C076 Fourth Color: #B5F4FD Fifth Color: #FFD738 |
creditScore | default: #FFD839 525: #E0E345 575: #A2DF61 625: #6DE18D 675: #15D283 750: #00884F |
financialRatios | #009BBD |
Updated 5 months ago