Banking Integrations Overview
Connect to your SMB customers' banking data through Plaid
Our integration with Plaid allows you to gain access to up-to-date account and transactions data from your business customers' banks. See our Bank Accounts and Bank Transactions data models for more details on the data you can pull.
Configuring & Enabling Banking Integrations
Accounting Data as a Service™ currently supports Plaid to connect your business' banking data. You will need to register with Plaid before you're able to access the data from their platform via Accounting Data as a Service™.
Banking Integrations in Sandbox
For testing and evaluation, you can setup Plaid in Sandbox mode using Plaid's Developer or Sandbox keys.
Bank Transactions Classification
Bank transactions retrieved through a bank integration go through our normalization engine to provide you with a classification similar to the level you would expect in the financial statements pulled from a business' accounting service provider.
Bank Transactions Classification - Beta
Please note that Bank Transactions Classification is in open beta. We recommend getting in touch with our product and integration support team before using it in production.
Updated 5 months ago