View Business Data
View Business Data
To access a business's data, click into the connected business under the Business Side Navigation. This will allow you to access the following financial information about a selected business:
- A brief Summary of a business's financial summary including top revenue & expenses, outstanding bills & invoice amounts, financial statements, as well as financial ratios, bank balance and credit score & rating.
- Detailed financial Reports like financial statements, invoices, credit memos, orders and more. The Reports available depend on the supported data types for the connected services by a business.
- Bank Reconciliation to compare the cash balance on a business’s balance sheet to its bank’s balance in a given period. To retrieve this report, a business must be connected to both accounting and banking services.
- Activity log for a business to view a log of activities related to the business connections.
Accessing and Downloading Reports
The Accounting Data as a Service™ Dashboard reports page provides you access to view and download data for your businesses. Reports are valuable resources that provide insights into various aspects of our API, and can aid in decision-making and analysis about your businesses.
Follow the steps below to find and download the reports you need.
- Open the Dashboard and log in.
- In the left sidebar navigation menu, go to Businesses > Click into a connected business.
- Select the Reports tab.
- Select the report type and apply the reporting filters.
- Click on the Export As button to select the file type you want to download.
These reports can be generated via the dashboard or you can obtain the data through our API. For more information on the different endpoints, go to API Overview.
Business Activity Log
The Business Activity Log, provides a detailed log of activities related to a business and the connections. This log captures significant events details with the timestamp for the following:
- Business creation
- Connection or disconnection to a service provider
- Last successful sync
- Renaming a business
Tax Benchmarking Report
The Tax Benchmarking Report, provides a way for a selected business to compare how they are performing against other businesses. The Data retrieved will reflect the latest full calendar year.
The Filter options are:
- Industry (NAICS code*) only.
- Industry (NAICS code) and Region (2-digit State code or Zip code)
Follow the steps below to find and view the report.
- Open the Dashboard and log in.
- In the left sidebar navigation menu, go to Businesses > Click into a connected business.
- Select the Tax Benchmarking tab.

For further information about Tax Benchmarking see Tax Benchmarking-How it works
Updated about 2 months ago